Available Courses.


6 Week Ziggie Bergman Zone Face Lift Therapy

We all know that to develop a positive habit, we have to get into routine. So don’t just limit yourself to one Zone Face Lift Therapy session, discover our 6 weeks course. Trust us, you will notice the difference.


12 wEEK zIGGIE Bergman Zone Face Lift Therapy

The organiser’s dream. Find that time for you in a regular slot. Don’t just plan for the next few weeks, but make Zone Face Lift Therapy part of your weekly schedule. By building it into your weekly plan, you are simply telling your skin how much you respect it.

12 week me.no.pause

Our unique ME.NO.PAUSE course is there for you. Focused in helping the management of those menopause symptoms that you just want to control. Well done for getting this far, Now congratulate yourself with this gift.

If you are not ready to commit to 12 weeks, try our menopausal relief 6 weeks below.

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6 Weeks Supporting Menopausal Relief

Sometimes it isn’t easy being a woman and we appreciate all the help we can get. Using cooling tools with a relaxing undertone, allow us to engage with your circulation and body temperature through our soothing and reassuring facial techniques.


Pre Event Therapy - 3 Consecutive days

Some events you just have to look your best for. Give your face a head start with this three day intense lifting course. focussing on making sure your face looks toned, energised and radiant, its now finding an outfit that can compete with your natural glow.


3,6 or 12 Week Facial Or Traditional Foot Reflexology

This is your time. Plan in advance and make sure Soul Reflex always has your name on their schedule. It is important to find time to look after you. These courses will allow for exactly that. You.